Life and Hope

Hope on a Promise

Dan MacAulay

Peter and Karissa Metcalfe tell their story of how their plans for a family seemed lost but they found hope and an answer through a promise given to them.

spk_0:   0:05
When you return here next year, your baby will be with you. It was hard not to feel a lot of home. This is Danny Mac and welcome toe life and Hope. Today my guests are Peter and Karissa Metcalf. We're going to share their story about handling life when it doesn't quite go the way that you are expecting and how to maintain their hope all the way through it. Hang on. You're in for a great ride. Good morning. And welcome to our podcast today. I'm Danny Mac, and this is life and hope, and we're gonna have a great time today talking with Peter and Carisa Metcalfe. But first of all, here we go. Hi, Carisa. Peter, how are you today?

spk_1:   0:53
Good morning. We're

spk_2:   0:53
great. How are you?

spk_0:   0:54
I'm doing very well. So good to have you with us. Let's go back. Talk a little bit about you guys About where you came from Paris tonight. Tell me a little of the family you were brought up in.

spk_2:   1:06
Um, I was actually born in Hong Kong. My parents were missionaries, and then I grew up mostly in Vancouver, and, uh, was in the shop since 2000 and 12 now.

spk_0:   1:17
Okay, Peter, you're you're You're a seashell boy, are you not?

spk_1:   1:20
Yeah. I was born here in the local hospital, and, uh, eventually when I was old enough, I took off and, uh, got educated to become a teacher, and then we were able to make it back here in 2012.

spk_0:   1:34
So where did you guys meet? I mean, Carisa, you're from Hong Kong. Linger in Vancouver. Peter Urine Seashell. For those of you that are listening and you're not from, are from this area. See shelters just north of Vancouver, not too far away. So we're just on the coast of BC, Uh, just ah, hop, skip and a jump on a ferry ride over from Vancouver. So that's sort of where this is all sort of taking place. But where did you guys meet?

spk_2:   1:59
We met in Victoria. We were both it at the University of Victoria, And I've been I was just finishing up my degree and Peter had just transferred over on. We met in 2007. Kind of on the first day of school. I think that year,

spk_0:   2:12
First day of school. There you go. Okay. And then you were together. You got married. Ah, how long ago? Now,

spk_2:   2:21
Almost 10 years ago.

spk_0:   2:22
Almost 10 years ago. So happy 10th anniversary coming up for you. So your story really is starts there, but it begins to get interesting. When you went through the process of starting a family and I know that you had always wanted to family. You've talked about that. But can you explain to us starting of your family and some of the challenges that you had there?

spk_1:   2:44
Yeah. Christopher Scott pregnant in 2014 right?

spk_2:   2:47
At the beginning of the year. Yeah, way knew we wanted to start a family. And we felt ready. And we I got pregnant for the first time in 2014 and have an early miscarriage of seven weeks. And then at that point, when I had, that mystery was also diagnosed with, uh by Cornett uterus, which meant my uterus was the wrong shape for supporting pregnancy. So that was a very unexpected blow in the ways of the time.

spk_0:   3:18
So let's go back to that just for a moment when you first got that message, what sort of information did the doctors give to you about hope of having Children beyond that point in time.

spk_2:   3:29
Initially they weren't sure. So I had to have more tests. There was There was a few months kind of in there where they weren't sure how severe it waas. So there was a lot of I think they wanted to make sure we can get our hopes up too high. So once I had a more definitive testing done, they were more hopeful. But it it's still we were once that that there could be for the complications, but it wouldn't be necessarily be so straightforward to sustain a pregnancy.

spk_0:   3:55
What were you feeling at that point? What was going on in your guys lives between the two of you and with you, As you were looking at the possibility of maybe not being able to have Children,

spk_1:   4:04
we were scared. I think I think for me it was less tangible because it didn't happen with my body. And so it didn't quite, um, strike me in the same way that it did. Carisa, I think I was anxious and worried about the future. Um,

spk_2:   4:22
yeah. It was hard not to feel the loss of hope of the future. You imagine that you're gonna have and you think is gonna be so straightforward and, um And then to feel like there was a hidden part of me I hadn't realized. Yeah, it's hard not to feel a little bit broken down with something like that, I think. Does the uncertainty of its not knowing what the future holds is always hard.

spk_0:   4:45
So how did you set your sights on the future? What kind of things did you have to choose to do to be able to move forward from there?

spk_2:   4:51
We were praying a lot and just kind of being willing every day to say visit in God's Hands. He knew that this was a part of me the whole time. It's not a surprise or secret to him that he's in control, that if we're supposed to have Children than then, he's the one who's going to make it happen, not after the doctors are or anybody else

spk_0:   5:11
you're able to keep. Your faith in. Your faith was strong through this process.

spk_2:   5:15
Yeah, you know, and looking back like there were a lot of really precious moments where I felt God's presence and I felt him speaking through Scripture through prayer through other people around me get. He was very close in those times.

spk_0:   5:31
So you would on from there you had the miscarriage. And that was

spk_2:   5:35
in two

spk_0:   5:36
1014. You had the miscarriage, and then you found out you were pregnant again. Yeah,

spk_2:   5:42
that was also in the spring of 2014. And then I should say, at the beginning of June, in that same year, um, we were having a special outdoor service, and that morning and worship, I felt this really strong boys from God telling me when you returned here next year, your baby will be with you. And then a few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant again.

spk_0:   6:04
So that was a pretty special moment for you.

spk_2:   6:06
Yeah, it was.

spk_0:   6:08
So a lot of people are are gonna be wondering, How did you hear God's voice? Was it a tangible voice that spoke to you? Was it? Why did God speak to you? That message

spk_2:   6:17
it wasn't inaudible voice, but it was very It was an inner voice. But it wasn't mine. It's hard to explain it because I think my initial reaction was I didn't want to believe it because I thought, Oh, This is just my own hope. This is my own. I'm just trying to convince myself, but But it really it didn't come from any thought that I had or any self belief. I had it. It was a very strong, persistent voice speaking to me.

spk_0:   6:43
And from that point in time, you started to believe. Now, how long after that was it that you found out you were pregnant again?

spk_2:   6:50
Three or four weeks.

spk_0:   6:52
So you find out within within a month after you felt God speak to you. And within a month you find out that you're pregnant. How did you feel about that pregnancy At that point,

spk_2:   7:03
we were over the men. We were very excited. Um, yeah. And that that was here, too, because I think having had a miscarriage, there wasn't the same confidence. So everything will be fine. You know what we were, But that did sort of relaxes without further along. Once we passed the point where I'd miscarried before. And then it was It was a very normal pregnancy for the first while.

spk_0:   7:23
So, Peter, what did you feel when you your wife was pregnant again? And you know, she'd been through that physical and emotional turmoil of losing the 1st 1 And now she's pregnant again. What were your feelings?

spk_1:   7:35
Elation. Relief? I think that some of the hope that we were holding onto with becoming true and a sense of being cared for and known

spk_0:   7:47
where did that sense of being cared for known come from,

spk_1:   7:51
I think, times of prayer. Um, when I would praise God that we were pregnant, that I would feel a sense that God had a plan.

spk_0:   8:01
So God has a plan for you. You're going through. How many weeks along did you lose the first TV? A seven week. So six weeks is coming. Seven weeks come. You get past seven weeks. Was there a sense of relief for you there at that point in time?

spk_2:   8:17
Yeah, absolutely. And I remember, especially when we had our first ultrasound, which was probably about eight weeks and were able to see baby's heartbeat for the first time. I think that was a huge relief.

spk_0:   8:29
That's so cool.

spk_2:   8:30
Yeah, yeah, that's such a cool moment. Like when you see that sign of life. So

spk_0:   8:36
Okay, so now you're going on your eight weeks, everything is going good And you just went through the fairly normal pregnancy for the next little while. Was it not

spk_2:   8:45
normal? Most of it.

spk_0:   8:48
Then you got up to a point, though, at down the line where you went in for an ultrasound and suddenly it wasn't a normal ultrasound. What? Tell me about that visit to the to the hospital that day.

spk_2:   8:58
Yeah, In my third trimester, I was having ultrasounds every two weeks on. That was because of the bike. Want uterus? They wanted Teoh. Just make sure the baby was growing that that, uh, we didn't know whether or not he or she had space and all that. So I have them every two weeks. And then it was, uh, my shirt on my 35th week, but pretty far along, and then the ultrasound was normal. But I got a call that night from my doctor that they had noticed, uh, fluids gathered around the baby's kidney. And so they were concerned there was some concern He wasn't super stressed out at that point, he said it was it could be normal, but they wanted to check it up. So we were sent to Women Hospital in Vancouver for more.

spk_0:   9:43
Okay, so now you get that message from the doctor. What sort of things were you feeling at this point? Here it comes. You know, we got through the seven weeks cycle. We're feeling pretty good to get past that. But now we get this message from the doctor again. What's your reaction When you feeling as you're going through this?

spk_2:   9:58
I think at

spk_1:   9:59
that time, we both felt pretty secure and hopeful. I think we thought, OK, we're you know, we've made it this far. God will carry us through the next step as well. So I don't think we felt too anxious at the at that time.

spk_2:   10:14
Yeah. I mean, I think it's always scary when there's something wrong and you don't know what it is. But we felt confident in what my doctor was telling us and that they would be able to identify, and I mean and not that kidneys aren't serious. But I think I had thought like you got two kidneys. There's one to bear its fine. Um, it could be worse. So yeah, we were I was nervous, but not afraid. I think

spk_0:   10:42
so. Then you go into Women's Hospital and you got a new ultrasound done there. And that visit, what you thought was going to be a short one became a bit of a longer visit.

spk_1:   10:55
Yeah, way got into an ultrasound. Typically, ultrasounds we've been in have been about 20 minutes. And so we're in the stock room. 20 minutes goes by, which turns into an hour, which turns into two hours. And there

spk_2:   11:11
are all these different doctors coming in and out, and they would all be looking at different parts of my body, like all kind of over my stomach in different areas. And yeah,

spk_1:   11:20
strange because there wasn't any sort of feedback. We were You know, technicians aren't really allowed to give be back as to what is going on. That that information has to go through doctors. And so it's kind of strange to know that something is off, but do not know what is happening.

spk_0:   11:40
Sorry, Peter. You were there with her at this point in time. Correct?

spk_1:   11:43
Yeah. We went in together that day. Yeah, we went

spk_2:   11:46
in for the day early and very tired. It was a long time in a dark room.

spk_0:   11:51
Oh, and then as they going through, they came in and out. The doctors were seeing you. When did you start getting some information back from the doctors

spk_1:   11:59
we had. We had a break, and then we went into another ultrasound room for the afternoon.

spk_2:   12:04
They needed a different machine, and it was a different doctor. And I think that was sort of when, like a heart doctor would come in to the second

spk_1:   12:11
room. It was just very confusing.

spk_2:   12:13
Yeah, it wasn't very clear to us until after they were finished. The ultrasound actually talked it through

spk_0:   12:19
from your understanding. Now you're the heart doctor is looking. If they were kicking out originally for the kidneys, you've been there now for most the day, going through two separate ultrasound sessions with a bunch of different doctors, and they sit you down. What did they tell you when they finally got down to talking to you

spk_1:   12:35
told us that, um, as far as they could see and they had done a lot of testing and imaging. Is that, um, are the boy or girl had a court ation of the heart or sorry court ation of the aorta, where the aorta was not attached to the heart. So they told us this, um, and were able to give us the bad news.

spk_2:   13:01
Yeah, they wrote it down for us because we've never heard of this before. And the doctor specifically recommended that we not google it because she thought it would It would upset us.

spk_1:   13:11
Then she drew pictures.

spk_2:   13:13
Yeah, they were really good. They were really thorough in kind of how it works. At that point, they said that because the baby was already big and it was hard to get good angles.

spk_0:   13:27
Okay, so now the A order is not connected to your your baby's heart evil. We've lost a child. What happened now? Within you and particularly in terms of of your faith in your your belief of God's hand on you going through this.

spk_1:   13:41
Remember finally leaving the hospital and actually seeing the light of day or the great clouds of Vancouver. I'm getting in the car. I don't remember what we prayed, but I know that the first thing we did is we sat down and we prayed. I do remember feeling in shock and help. And then we just needed to catch a ferry.

spk_2:   14:02
Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of a blur. The rest of that day, and I remember sitting in the parking lot in the truck that we have been and crying and just being so devastated. Way we did pray together there in the parking lot, and then we were like, Well, we got to go catch a ferry and go home It was awful because there's nothing we could dio, you know, it wasn't it wasn't anything we had done. And it wasn't like I couldn't came to my diet. I couldn't couldn't protect this baby in any way. It was felt very powerless.

spk_0:   14:34
Who were the first people you told when you got home?

spk_1:   14:37
I remember being quite devastated because we stopped by my parent's house and, um, I don't remember that it was that day or the next day, and we thought we should tell him in person. Um, so I can remember having all of these thoughts and emotions inside of me, but it was very hard to tell my parents, because our family, it's a great thing about having kids. Is your whole family so excited and related? Um, and it was really hard to communicate this news and then just see those thoughts and those worries personified in somebody else. Because when when they were inside of me, I couldn't see them. But when I informed my parents, I could see I could see what I was feeling in them. And I found that really hard.

spk_0:   15:37
There are some people that would, uh, question Now, where was God in the middle of all this? I mean, Chris. So you said you felt that God had spoken directly to you, that you were gonna have a daughter, and now it looks like this daughter may have a very difficult time surviving when she's born. What was What was the conflict, or was there conflict within you at that point in time?

spk_2:   16:02
I actually didn't feel a conflict so much in that sense. And it actually brought me a lot of comfort to remember what I felt like I did promise God had made. I mean, I did. I did Google Cork station of the aorta. And there were various other things that could have been involved in a long term issues that that we were facing. But it felt like like this was the child God had given us. And whatever her abilities or disabilities or whatever she came out looking like or being able to do that. This was the got with the child, got had planned for our family. And I remember feeling really overwhelmed with the thought of having a child with a severe medical issues and feeling like, I don't think, as a parent, I'm prepared to handle that, but also feeling like, God knows me, God created me. He loved me. He is going to be with us in this.

spk_1:   17:03
Yeah, I remember being worried that if she was able to survive being born and being young, then she wouldn't be able to run with other kids, play with other kids and trying to prepare for that type of parenting

spk_0:   17:15
gets hard. That will

spk_1:   17:16
be lifelong supporting, Ah, child who couldn't play like other kids could play or developed like other kids could develop.

spk_0:   17:27
So the doctors did say that then that there were There are some possibilities of things that they could do, but they were basically going to have to wait until the child was born. Correct.

spk_2:   17:37
That's right. Yeah. I mean, we were fortunate in that for as long as I was pregnant. Um, she was safe in the room. She, you know, the baby received everything she needed was supported by my body. So there wasn't this rush to get her out. Um, I remember. They said they didn't want me to go too long. They didn't want me to go over my due date because there was some concern there. But at this point, we still had a couple weeks to go. Um, yeah. So then that was one of the reasons they recommended that I deliver in Vancouver because they weren't sure what needs would be after birth and that she didn't need surgery right away. We didn't wanna have to be helicoptered out of seashells. Vancouver.

spk_0:   18:18
Okay, so now you've gotten this news that, in some ways is a very devastating kind of diagnosis from the doctor. Very difficult diagnosis from the doctor. And you've got two weeks left until your delivery date. Your due date? Eso No, he had to wait. Basically for those those two weeks. And were you Did you deliver on time?

spk_2:   18:41
Yeah. One of the things we did you asked about who we spoke to first on one of the things we did that first Sunday after we've found all this out is we asked the elders at church to pray for us. That was the way we felt like we really needed to gather our community and to gather the church around us. And I remember they laid hands and we prayed, and we both felt a lot of peace. Just that really added Teoh,

spk_1:   19:08
I'll admit I was unplanned not, but I was falling apart after praying with the elders. Um, we do remember

spk_2:   19:19
peace. Yeah, e think it really made a shift in our our ability to move forward and God sort of giving us that supernatural piece.

spk_0:   19:29
So God is now giving you peace. After what could have been so destructive to your emotions and your hearts, You move forward now to the point where you're going to deliver your child. What was that process for you?

spk_1:   19:44
Part of the process was that Christa had to move to Vancouver and I had to continue working.

spk_0:   19:50

spk_1:   19:50
um so that she could be ready to deliver it any time. But just the process of how my work is structured. I couldn't get a leave right away. So, um, I stayed on here and I remember having a phone number in my wallet of a guy with a boat who would take me over to Vancouver in the middle of the night when the ferry wasn't running. So we were we were apart for a while.

spk_2:   20:17
About a week. Yeah. I mean, unfortunately, my parents, my my family lives in the river, so I, you know, 38 weeks pregnant, I moved in with my mom. Dad and Peter came up a week later on, and we just kind of praise that I wouldn't go into labor too early, but he that Peter was ableto get there in time.

spk_1:   20:37
That's the way arrived on Friday night and Saturday. We had sort of like the most wonderful where we walked the seawall and we went very queen, which we don't have on the Zinchenko Way.

spk_2:   20:52
A a lovely day together. And the next

spk_1:   20:59
day we went to North Star Alliance Church and the preacher was preaching. I'm Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

spk_2:   21:07
Yeah, it was a story that has really meant something to both of us. And you hear it kind of right, because it's it's a story of these men who are thrown into the fiery furnace and their faces so powerful. And when they're kind of given the chance to, like, back out, they say, No, we won't, because we believe that God will rescue us. But even when they are thrown in, there is the fourth figure that God is in the fiery furnace with, um Andi, think that's the promise. We really felt that whether or not we were saved from the from our fiery furnace, God would be present in there with us.

spk_0:   21:40
So you got that assurance again. God speaking to you again in this whole process for you?

spk_1:   21:46
Yeah, that's that no matter what, whether it was good or bad, that God would be there. Yes.

spk_0:   21:53
So you've mentioned a number of times now where God has spoken to you or confirmed things to you into your lives. How do you keep such a close relationship with him that he can do that? How could you explain that to people?

spk_2:   22:06
I don't feel like it. Any goodness are anything special that we're doing? I certainly don't feel that I has definitely something special to deserve that from God. And they've definitely been other times when it hasn't felt I haven't felt that same closeness, but for for me. And I think for both of us in that time it was It is constantly going to God in prayer, even when when it didn't feel like like anything was happening. But to read his word and to kind of just pray like that he would speak to us through Scripture through people around us and

spk_1:   22:43
that we have each other.

spk_2:   22:44
Yeah, I was supported each other and I think for me once once I'd had. And I've had other experiences of feeling. Bob spoken to me earlier in my life. Those expected there so undeniable. But I could never say that God wasn't really because I have a have felt so intimately.

spk_0:   23:02
Here you are. No. If God has been speaking to you, he's been encouraging you. He's been helping you along the way. It's time for your baby to be born. What happens?

spk_1:   23:13
We were visiting from friends Sunday night. Monday. Monday. Made. Oh yeah, Another day has gone by And your water broke?

spk_2:   23:19
Yeah, at their

spk_1:   23:20
house. So we rushed off. Teoh, your brothers Hope? Yeah. We went

spk_2:   23:26
back to my brother's house. We were staying. I called into the hospital and they told us we should come in. So for assessment. So we went to women's probably about nine oclock Monday night. I wasn't in labor, so we figured they would be sent home and we wait for Labour to begin.

spk_1:   23:43
We didn't bring anything with way. We've heard it all. So they figured out that it was my water had broken, but labour wasn't starting, so we were in this sort of pre labor room. So there's a big room where they have these curtains are cubicle, whatever. Um and it went on for hours Total of one man one in the morning. But Kristen ever went into labor, the vehicle time of just waiting. And there was all these women in labor screaming around

spk_0:   24:15
us. How challenging

spk_1:   24:18
behind these curtains. And I think something else that really hit a. And how fortunate we felt is that we unfortunately I overheard a conversation beside us about I voted an abortion, and so we felt really fortunate that we had our baby. And so it was just a really can't remember, like I remember a darker time than that to be so worried about what's happening but also hearing these things going on around you. It was really hard. Um and we do remember that Chris was hooked up to the machine and we've been sitting there so long, but the piece of paper from the machine stretched to the ground and then started curling up on the ground.

spk_0:   25:01
They were concerned about the baby's heart, specifically, at that point in time,

spk_2:   25:05
not more concerned than they have been. Um, yeah. Just because I wasn't in active labor, I wasn't a huge They weren't rushing. Teoh move me at that point. And then in about 1 a.m. They brought in a little portable ultrasound, and, uh, I had a little ultrasound right there. And then they told me that surprise the baby had moved, and she was breech. That wasn't related to anything that was going on with her. It was just that was more to do with my uterus shape. But, um, so they said probably what we should do is have a C section because your waters already broken. So within about an hour, I was in the O. R. And that Peter was getting scrubbed up, and we probably they're probably got the seeing people other than us in the operating room, Um, the little the nurses and the doctor and coupled off to them. And they had sort of a station set up in the corner where they were gonna take the baby right away to examine, examine her. We met the neonatal intensive care unit doctor who warned us that probably what he would have to do is Doctor Assessor, and then they take her straight to the nick you. And then

spk_1:   26:19
you were cold. You were given some timelines for, like, maybe you could hold the baby. Maybe you couldn't hold the baby.

spk_2:   26:27
Yeah, They said if she seemed initially okay, I would get the holder on, and then they would take her away.

spk_0:   26:33
Your daughter is born. And did you get the holder?

spk_2:   26:38
I did get the holder. Yeah, they did take her right away to their little bed in the corner. They checked that the heart was beating. Um, and then I got older. They timed it.

spk_1:   26:49
I'm number

spk_2:   26:50
talk to saying that he has watching the clock. They probably got older about 10 minutes, and then they took her to the neck. You.

spk_1:   26:56
And when we saw her, one of the names that we had planned with Pearl just looking at her face. We came to the proud she was a pearl. We decided that that should be her name. Yeah, I remember wanting to see her, and she was hooked up to a bunch of equipment and not wanting to get too close. Um, and Crystal was on one side of the room. I got to hold onto her hand and as parole and pearls hand, Um, and if they were, um, checking over her just to see her condition, she just squeezed my finger. And I remember just waiting there and just trying not to be in the doctors way and trying to enjoy it, but also, um, trying not to be too worried.

spk_0:   27:43
Take us now through the next couple of days, because this is where it really gets Very cool.

spk_1:   27:49
Yeah, we went through a difficult time because it was hard to recover from the C section. So Carisa was up in the room and I would travel back and forth between the Nick you and I would go and see Pearl and hold her. And I just remember being really overwhelmed at one point because Chris. I couldn't come and see her because she couldn't move. And I was just in tears holding Pearl or just being decided, the little bubble that she was in. Also so grateful that she was alive and breathing and heart pumping. I remember

spk_2:   28:23
I did make it down to the nick you later in that big shoes born in the middle of the night and so kind of violated afternoon. And I remember that he was really noticing that she was the biggest and the loudest baby there. She was just crying so loud. It was such a beautiful found here.

spk_0:   28:43
So when did the doctors do the same or exams to find out about her heart examinations necessary?

spk_1:   28:50
We were in the hospital for about a week after that for Theresa to recover and throw the week they performed number of tests. They

spk_2:   28:59
were still a gander, kidneys as well, girl. So that I think to ultrasounds. They wanted to do when I think they did on the first day after she was born on their kidneys. And then they wanted to see how it was after a couple of days. A few days later was when I did the, uh, sitting in K g R heart? Yeah.

spk_1:   29:16
So then on a boat, the fourth or fifth day of us being there, Um, I remember being called down to actually speak with the cardiologists who had never met and who was looking over this, and he seemed like a very busy fellow. And he said, Okay, I'd like to update you on on what we know, but I only have about a minute, and I have to talk to you. Okay? And, uh, he just said in every way that we can tell your daughter was not healthy. Two weeks ago, she did have a quotation of the aorta. But since those two weeks, now that she's actually formed everything seems to be Alfie. Her heart is fully functioning, and she will be completely normal. And, hey, e thinking offer, doctor, that was Sometimes these things just work out. And then, uh, he said, okay. And I got up and left after a minute and 1/2 together, and I just cannot describe how overjoyed I was. How beautiful was that? I got to go and walk back through the hospital and bring this museum to Carisa and how a Ford word I was looking telling her that.

spk_0:   30:39
So the doctor said that basically, we can't explain what caused this. We just It just did.

spk_1:   30:45
Yeah, just that we know for sure that her a or better heart were not connected two weeks ago, but that they are now.

spk_0:   30:53
To what do you attribute that change?

spk_1:   30:57
We believe that God, the father cares for us and that he knows us personally. You mean he's looking over us? We believe that we called upon him in prayer and he answered our prayer and that he needed her heart back together in what, two weeks. And in that time, we have known God like we've never known him before. And that now we can always go back to that moment. I know that for us in our house, we believe in the Lord because he took care of us. Any answer call. And he performed a miracle on her daughter's heart and made it where there should have been debt. There was life

spk_0:   31:52
so powerful to know that God loves us so much. So now you've got a family that two daughters you have Pearl, you've got Rose Pearl is rapidly becoming an Internet star with her own videos. She's going out there, and he's taking everything from dance to reading to. She's got a couple of the things going on there, didn't she?

spk_2:   32:13
Oh, yes, you did. A drawing video. She she likes to teach

spk_0:   32:17
like she likes to teach via wonder where she gets that from.

spk_2:   32:20

spk_0:   32:22
that's fabulous. Peter Carisa. Thank you for your story. And this story ends with such a beautiful family that you've got a family that's got faith and is trusting. God has learned the lessons of God along the way. And your ability to hear what God speaks to you is such an encouragement to so many people. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us today.

spk_2:   32:43
I think

spk_0:   32:45
it's good to have you with us. Okay, gang, So good to have you all with us today. This is Danny Mac. We're gonna be back again next week. Come and join us here on life and hope with Danny. Mac will see Talk to you next week. Take care. Everybody